Archive for September, 2010


Frozen Fake-out

September 20, 2010
When I used to have basic amenities like a kitchen, a food processor and free time, I was quite the master in the kitchen. Granted, I do some crazy stuff in this little kitchen-less dorm of mine; but the masterpiece that you are about to lay eyes on is one of the many creations that I long to create again.

Looks like a delectable ice cream treat. 🙂

 Chocolate ice cream with cookies. Or is it?! Of course it’s not. What a boring post! Well, boring unless we had taste-o-vision. I’ll be first in line for that innovation.

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Search beyond what you see…

September 10, 2010
How many different things have you eaten in the past two weeks? Do you even remember what you ate two weeks ago? Two days ago? More pertinently, how many of those things did you really think about before eating? Food is fuel. Think about going to the gas station. You decide to spend money on gas and depending on your current credit card balance and overall budget that you have set for yourself, you opt to fill your hungry transportation vehicle with the regular stuff or the premium variety. In the same way, you make decisions on what to feed your own hungry stomach. I don’t always pump the premium stuff into my little 4-door car (actually, barely ever) and I also don’t always fill my stomach with the most premium and tip-top ingredients out there.
I like to have my cake and eat it to.

What you see: My surprise birthday cake from my sneaky roommate!

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This Formulatin’ Foodie is Nutz

September 8, 2010
I’ve been doing a bit too much formulatin’ and not enough foodie-in’ since school has started and it’s time to get things back in order. I’d like to have my cake and eat it too, ya know?

This is probably illegal in at least 5 states. Thankfully, mine is not one of them.

I have been diving into my studies and loving every minute of it. Chemistry, Science and anything that ties back to the star of the show (aka food) is well worth my time and effort. You see, all of this knowledge will be my key to success when it comes time for me to make my way in the food industry (which is approaching faster than anyone could have imagined!). One day, I hope to create something as cool as “powdered guilt free peanut butter enjoyment”. Of course, I wouldn’t be spending too much time on that particular product because that’d be comparable to writing a term paper when you have already turned it in. Who does that? Noone.